DU SOIS in Bologna: The Bologna Children’s Book Fair and Beyond

Are you a student in the Dominican University School of Information Studies? Interested in international literature for young people? Love to travel? You may have missed the 2024 trip, but there’s always next year. Check out some of what you missed and help inspire your Spring 2025 course selections (hint: registering for LIS 796!).

Exploring Bologna: Gorgeous Bologna is capital of the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy and home to the oldest university in the world (University of Bologna was founded in 1088!). Known as the Fat City (for the mouthwatering food), the Red City (for the red-tiled roofs and leftist politics), and the Learned City (for the university), Bologna has something for everyone’s tastes. Explore the endless list of restaurants and markets, but be sure to try the tortellini or Bolognese the region is known for. Wander the very-walkable city for amazing architectural sites spanning from the Etruscans to modern times. The stunning Biblioteca Salborsa (main library) and associated city government buildings are a personal favorite spot to explore. Or spend your first day in one or many of the free museums that dot the city—occupying your mind and belly is a great way to fight the first day jet lag!

Excursion to Ravenna: Bologna is a great jumping off point to explore the region. DU students have ventured to Modena, Verona, Florence, Ravenna, and more. This year, a 70 minute train ride took us to Ravenna to admire the stunning mosaic work for which the city is known. A complex of Roman and Byzantine religious buildings have been designated a UNECSO World Heritage site and provide a great deep dive into the history and art of the city. There are even locations to watch modern mosaic artists at work.

BCBF Day 1: Then to the main event—book fair day. The class joins thousands of book industry professionals in a celebration and exploration of kid lit from around the world (over 31,000 attendees this year!). The scope and scale of the event are massive, spanning five halls of the sprawling Bologna Fiere conference center complex. Day one highlights include: The lovely (and well-catered) opening ceremony, Stories Across Media: a celebration of the winners of the BolognaRagazzi CrossMedia award, Reading for a Healthy Planet: Inspiring Children’s Books to Help Achieve a Sustainable Future, and a delightful and delicious class dinner.   

BCBF Day 2: More to see and do with the global community of book lovers! The fair includes awards, programming, author and illustrator presentations, visual showcases, and publisher booths (for showing off and the buying/selling of international book rights). Today was our day for book-celebrity sightings: Mac Barnett (Spy Kid series), Oliver Jeffers (The Incredible Book Eating Boy), Lincoln Pierce (Big Nate books), and book publisher Neal Porter (Neal Porter Books). And, of course, a stop at one of the conference floor gelato stands!

Individual travel: SOIS students branched out on their own this year too, exploring in Rome, Florence and Venice on their free day and before/after the official class travel. If you’re already headed to Italy, you should definitely check some things off the bucket list.

Sneak Peek at 2025: Keep an eye out for an official Information Session in Fall 2024 to discuss the Spring 2025 course, including coursework, itinerary, associated costs, and more. And save the date for travel—BCBF 2025 will take place March 31-April 3, 2025. Slovenia will serve as next year’s guest of honor country and Brazilian illustrator Bruno DeAlmeida provides the bicycle-themed visual identity.

Not an SOIS student? Contact the Butler Center at butler@dom.edu for ways you can participate in 2025.
