Butler Bookshelf

Now that school is almost out and assigned reading for the year is done, graphic novels are great options for those who want a bit more artwork in their books. This week, we are featuring some of our collections new graphic novels, like Next Stop by Debbie Fong. In Fong’s debut novel, middle schooler Pia faces some hardships at home—after her brother recently passed away, her family decides to move to a new town and try to start fresh. To get her mind off of her troubles, Pia goes on a bus tour with a family friend that stops at different, and wacky, roadside attractions along the way. This mix of a self-discovery road trip adventure, middle school humor, and difficult emotional journeys is a touching take on the tough yet wonderous middle grade years.

Check out more of our graphic novels below!

Written by Pablo Cartaya
Illustrated by Miguel Díaz Rivas
Published by Disney Hyperion
Available now

Monti and Leo: A Newcomer in Pocketville
Written and illustrated by Sylvia Kantorovitz
Published by Walker Books
Available now

Next Stop
Written and illustrated by Debbie Fong
Published by RH Graphic
Available now

Hilo: Rise of the Cat
Written and illustrated by Judd Winick
Published by Random House Children’s Books
Available now

Sweet Valley Twins: The Haunted House
Written by Nicole Andelfinger
Illustrated by Knack Whittle
Published by RH Graphic
Available now